I have been a teacher for 26 years, a Headteacher for 11 years and, at the age of 50, this much I know about Excellence and Growth. Here are my presentations, videos and questionnaires from my presentations at the Optimus Education Excellence and Growth Conference, London, 26 November 2014. My introductory keynote... [scribd id=248217251 key=key-TQVnCY7C71PaVQ7h5eVM mode=scroll] On developing a Growth Mindset... [scribd id=248217127 key=key-z1XpM0HGH3aDbLk120XW mode=scroll] Dweck on Growth Mindset... [wpvideo dAvpc0z9] Why Excellence Matters...(not!) [wpvideo IoTvNTw6] Austin's Butterfly (in case you've never seen it...) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZo2PIhnmNY Ron Berger on critique... [wpvideo UczRIHOF] Fixed Mindsets try to look clever at all costs... [wpvideo jLHanUjY] Dylan Wiliam on the power of YET... [wpvideo TKYyNtSF] Praise and Rewards can inhibit learning... [wpvideo gPLL2mY7] Will Smith on working hard... [wpvideo P3uLKwRA] Carol Dweck on process praise... [wpvideo gcvfo6aU] Student GM Questionnaire... [scribd id=248220231 key=key-20uMYYsd3D9zIJaVdW7J mode=scroll] Student GM Questionnaire points scorer... [scribd id=248219974 key=key-9W2LNsl2PH7AtAlNpt6U mode=scroll] Staff GM Questionnaire... [scribd id=248217794 key=key-19De5qnQwwryfTmGphJZ mode=scroll]