This much I know about...whether we should bring back the cane!

I have been a teacher for 27 years, a Headteacher for 12 years and, at the age of 51, this much I know about whether we should bring back the cane! Should we bring back the cane? It was the Big Question a few years ago and even Nicky Campbell was unsure... [wpvideo 95uQnMEE]   All our voices deserve to be heard. It was an exhausting May morning, live for an hour on BBC2, defending today's youth from the Corporal Punishment corps. But everyone has a view and we need to hear them all, no matter how much we might disagree...

ITT content on Behaviour Management is under review. As a member of the DfE expert group undertaking that review, I'd love to hear your answers to the two or three questions below...

Have your say! Perhaps we need a bit of Kes back in our lives, or maybe don't...